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It says the theme is broken or missing a style sheet? If after installing the theme it says it is broken or the style sheet is missing it's nothing to worry. This is one of the mo ... I can't change the site title and description on the homepage? If you're using the homepage imported from the demo data and have Yoast SEO activated then the site title is being pulled fro ... I cannot import the demo data If you cannot import the demo data because it never completes the import process or you receive an error it could be bec ... How do I add/remove widgets and Visual Composer elements to the sidebar? 1) If you don't want to display Visual Composer elements in your sidebar go to Appearance > Sidebars Editor select the des ...
How do I modify X and Y on my BuddyPress pages? Most BuddyPress page templates can be modified by adding the directory structure and file within your theme folder ... How do I disable the Gutenberg editor? WordPress 5.0 introduced a new page editor called Gutenberg. Please ensure you have updated to the latest version of the them ... My site is running slow, what can I do? Before blaming the theme there are a number of things that may be causing your site to slow down. First ask yourself, ... Updating the theme and bundled plugins It is important that you keep the theme and bundled plugins (those plugins that came with the theme) up to date.To update the ...
Adding page settings to custom post types, taxonomies and templates Add the following to your child theme's functions.php file: function ghostpool_custom_page_settings( $settings ) { ... Increasing PHP Memory Limit To increase the PHP Memory Limit do the following: Method 1: Increasing Memory Limit In wp-config.php File Step 1 ... Experiencing issues after updating from Youzer to Youzify After updating Youzer to Youzify if you're experiencing issues make sure you are using Aardvark version 4.34 or higher. ... "The link you followed has expired. Please try again." error You are seeing this error because the theme is too big to be uploaded to your site. This is because your web host has set one ...
Switching To Tablet and Mobile View in Elementor In the Elementor editor in the bottom left hand corner click the Responsive Mode icon to change the display from desktop ... After updating BuddyPress my website won't load or I get a fatal error? If after updating to BuddyPress 12.1.1 your website won't load or you're getting a fatal error similar to this: PHP F ... After updating Aardvark my style customisations are not working There has been a change to the way the Aardvark Child loads the parent and child style.css files. You will need to ... Finding the cause of your issue(s) To find the cause of the issue(s) please do the following: 1. Update The Theme/PluginsEnsure you using the latest version of ...
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Increasing PHP Maximum Execution Time

I cannot access the drop down menu links on Android devices?
What SEO plugin do you recommend?

How do I resize Google ads on my site?
Can I display different widgets on different categories?

How do I change the page the login form redirects to?
It says the theme is broken or missing a style sheet?

How to install the default Twenty-Twenty * themes?

How do I add/remove breadcrumbs?
How do I enable comments on pages?
70 Articles
The Review
Does the theme support Cyrillic or Georgian characters?
How to I add new child pages to auto hub form?