

How do I change the page the login form redirects to? In your child theme's functions.php file add: function gp_login_redirect( $gp_redirect ) { $gp_redirect_link = ''; $gp_redirect = 'window.location.replace("' . $gp_redirect_link . '");'; return $ ...

It says the theme is broken or missing a style sheet? If after installing the theme it says it is broken or the style sheet is missing it's nothing to worry. This is one of the most common errors new users to WordPress experience. To upload the theme correctly do the following: ...

How do I add/edit/remove theme options? There are two types of theme options. You have the global theme options on the Theme Options page and you have the individual options on individual pages. Global Theme Options This theme uses the Redux framework for the op ...

How can I order posts by views daily, weekly or monthly? In your child theme's functions.php add: function ghostpool_wpp_postviews( $post_id ) {     // Accuracy: // 10 = 1 in 10 visits will update view count. (Recommended for high traffic sites.) // 30 ...

I cannot access the drop down menu links on Android devices? By default Android will redirect to the top level menu item link URL as soon as it is tapped. To display a submenu, users must tap, and without lifting their finger slide off of the menu item.

Increasing PHP Maximum Execution Time To increase the PHP Maximum Execution Time do the following: Method 1: Editing .htaccess File Manually Step 1: Locate the .htaccess file inside the root of your WordPress installation (located in the same folder as your /wp ...

My site is running slow, what can I do? Before blaming the theme there are a number of things that may be causing your site to slow down.  First ask yourself, does this issue occur when you are using any other theme? If it does, then it's probably a server or plu ...

Increasing WordPress Upload Limit To increase the WordPress Upload Limit do the following: Step 1: Locate the php.ini file inside the wp-admin directory (if you’re not sure how to do this, ignore the steps below and contact your webhost who can do this fo ...

I can't save the Theme Options page? This error occurs because your server limits the amount of data that can be saved at one time. There are two ways to increase this limit: 1) Edit your php.ini file and increase the max_input_vars function to around 3000 e.g. ...

Issues with Redux metaboxes extension on WordPress.com server If you are using this theme on a WordPress.com server instead of a WordPress.org self hosted installation the Redux metaboxes extension generates the wrong URLs. To fix this add the following to your child theme's functions.p ...

How I do I disable the WordPress Admin Bar for users? WordPress is adding the admin bar to your website, not the theme. You can use the following plugin to disable the admin bar: https://en-gb.wordpress.org/plugins/hide-admin-bar/ If you're using BuddyPress to hide the admin b ...

Updating your PHP version The theme requires at least PHP 7.3 or above because this is what WordPress itself recommends. Updating Your PHP Version In most cases you cannot update the PHP version yourself and need to contact your host about this. The ...

I cannot see my posts when I order by views? This is because the meta keys for each post aren’t added until the view count updates. To do this, open functions.php and find: $accuracy = 50; Replace with: $accuracy = 100; Now when each post is viewed by you ...

How do I remove specific entries from activity stream? If you want to exclude certain activity entries from your activity stream add the following to your child theme's functions.php file: function ghostpool_activity_dont_save( $activity_object ) { $exclude = array( ...

How do I set up the bbPress forum like the demo? The forums seen in the demo site are created using the bbPress plugin. Please install and activate this plugin from Plugins > Add New and search for "bbpress". Once you've activated the plugin your forums should be located a ...

I can't login after clicking my BuddyPress email activation link? The issue is the page URL contains the activation link which does not work with the popup modal login window. To fix this use the BP Autologin on Activation plugin which automatically logs the user in after clicking the email ...

I cannot import the demo data If you cannot import the demo data because it never completes the import process or you receive an error it could be because one of the following reasons: Your PHP memory, file upload size, and/or execution limits are set t ...

Using Custom Endpoints / Global Tabs If you want to create global custom tabs on all hubs follow the steps below. In this example we're going to create a new tab called "Guides". 1) Go to Theme Options > Hubs > Custom Endpoints and add a custom endpoint called ...

How do I add a Favicon to my site? This is controlled by WordPress, not the theme. Go to Appearance > Customize > Site Identity > Site Icon.

How do I allow users to register to my site? This is a general WordPress option that can be found under Settings -> General -> Anyone can register. If you're using BuddyPress the register page should have been created automatically. If it has not, create a new page cal ...

Increasing PHP Memory Limit To increase the PHP Memory Limit do the following: Method 1: Increasing Memory Limit In wp-config.php File Step 1: Locate the wp-config.php file inside the root of your WordPress installation (located in the same folder a ...

My site crashes when I try to create a new post/page? The "Hub Association" and "Custom Tab" options on posts and pages try to query every hub on your site so you can easily select them from the dropdown menu. If you have a huge amount of these hubs this may exceed your server's ...

How do I add/remove breadcrumbs? The breadcrumbs shown in the demo are added by the Yoast WordPress SEO plugin. Install this plugin and then go to SEO -> Search Appearance and click the Breadcrumbs tab and click Enabled.

Increasing Post Maximum Size To increase the Post Maximum Size do the following: Step 1: Locate the php.ini file inside the /wp-admin directory using an FTP client or file manager in your web hosting control panel (if you’re not sure how to do this, i ...

How do I remove category links from showing up? Cuckoo, Socialize and Habitat Themes:Go to Theme Options -> Posts -> Post Categories and add the categories you want to remove to the Exclude Categories box.Huber Theme:Go to Theme Options -> General and add the categories y ...

How do I disable the Gutenberg editor? WordPress 5.0 introduced a new page editor called Gutenberg. Please ensure you have updated to the latest version of the theme and WPBakery Page Builder. To do this refer to your theme documentation. Once you've done this yo ...

What SEO plugin do you recommend? All my themes work well with "Yoast SEO" WordPress plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-seo/

I can't update the theme - it says update failed? You must now use the Envato Market WordPress plugin to update the theme. When you do, sometimes you may see an update failed message. To fix this try the following: 1) Firstly, try clicking the update link again, sometimes ...

How do I add a custom captcha to the pop login and register forms? In your child theme's functions.php add the following: function ghostpool_custom_captcha() {          /* Validation code goes here */ return $captcha; } function ghostpool_custom_captcha_display() { ...

How do I modify X and Y on my BuddyPress pages? Most BuddyPress page templates can be modified by adding the directory structure and file within your theme folder to override the default styling as explained here: https://codex.buddypress.org/themes/theme-compatibility- ...

How do I find my ThemeForest Item Purchase Code? To find your licence key/purchase code you need to log into your ThemeForest account and go to your “Downloads” page. Locate the relevant theme and click on the Download button and next on the License Certificate & pu ...

I cannot see the icons on my site? This is probably because of a permission issues with the font used to display the icons. Using an FTP client set lib/fonts/ and lib/fonts/fontawesome/ permissions to 755 and the font file permissions to 644.

How do I show inactive members in my BuddyPress members directory? For current members: BuddyPress will only show users in the members directory if they have  logged into to their account. You can get around this and activate all user accounts by installing and activating the Retroactive B ...

Creating BuddyPress Profile Menus Step 1: Go to Appearance > Menus and create or edit an existing menu. Step 2: Click the Screen Options tab in the top right corner of the page and make sure the BuddyPress Member option is checked. Step 3: Now scroll do ...

I can't login because it says "Incorrect Captcha"? This is because you have activated the Google Captcha plugin but not set it up. If you don't want to use a captcha on the login form, go to Plugins > Installed Plugins and deactivated the Google Captcha plugin.  If you do ...

I can't see the BuddyPress/bbPress pages? 1) Please ensure you have installed and activated the BuddyPress and bbPress plugins. 2) Go to Settings -> BuddyPress and click the Components tabs and enable "User Groups" and any other features you want to use. 3) ...

How do I stop my site reloading the fonts with a preload effect? This is known as async typography. To remove this preloading, in your child functions.php file add: function ghostpool_custom_async_typography() {     return false; } add_filter( 'ghostpool_async_typography', ...

WPBakery Page Builder says I need to activate a license? The full version of WPBakery Page Builder (previously known as Visual Composer) comes with this theme. You do not need to activate a license to use it.Free updates for the plugin will be included whenever the theme itself is ...

Increasing Maximum Input Vars Maximum input vars limit the number of input variables which affect menus and theme options in the Aardvark theme. To increase the Maximum input vars do the following: Method 1: Increasing Max Input Vars In .htaccess File S ...

How do I modify the BuddyPress registration fields/template? Modifying Registration Fields: BuddyPress provide documentation on how to modify the registration fields here: https://codex.buddypress.org/getting-started/guides/modifying-the-registration-form/ Modifying Registration Tem ...

I would like a refund? Before requesting a refund If you're having any issues with a theme you've just purchased this can be incredibly frustrating, however in most cases the issues can be quickly resolved. Please follow the steps in the document ...

How do I add a BuddyPress cover image? Go to Settings > BuddyPress, click the Options tab and make sure Allow registered members to upload cover images is checked. Now go to your BuddyPress profile page, by clicking your username anywhere on the site and cli ...

How do I remove the latest activity update in the profile header? If you're trying to remove the latest activity text from your profile header and it doesn't exist in the activity stream you can manually delete it. In your child theme's functions.php file add the following: delete_user_met ...

I cannot see any related posts? Related posts are only displayed if posts have one or more of the same post tags as the post you are viewing. To add post tags to posts, on the right-hand side of the post add your tags from the "Tags" panel.

Why am I not receiving emails? This is unlikely to be a theme issue and it is most likely server or plugin related.  To test this, activate the default Twenty Twenty-One theme (don't worry this won't affect your site content). If the issues still occur ...

How do I create BuddyPress groups? I'm not sure why I get this question so often as creating groups has nothing to do with the theme, it's part of the BuddyPress plugin. However since I'm always asked please check the following: 1) Go to Settings > BuddyPress ...

How do I enable comments on pages? Go to Settings -> Discussion and make sure Allow people to post comments on new article is checked. Now on any page click the Screen Options button in the top right corner of the page and check the Discussion option. ...

How do users add avatars (images) to their profiles? WordPress uses Gravatar to add avatars (user images). Register a free account at http://gravatar.com, associate it with the email you're using on your WordPress site and upload your avatar image. Now go back to your site and ...

How do I add new fonts to theme options backend? To add custom fonts to the Theme Options typography options you can do the following: Step 1: Upload your fonts with the format (.ttf, .otf, .woff, .eot, .woff2) to your child theme in the directory wp-content/themes/child-t ...

I get the following error message "select2-css CDN unavailable. Some controls may not render properly." The Redux theme options framework loads some files from an external CDN server rather than loading them from your own server to improve the page load speed. If the CDN server goes down and you will receive this error but it u ...

Editing registration emails If you are using BuddyPress then this plugin controls the registration emails not the theme. To change BuddyPress emails see: https://codex.buddypress.org/emails/ If you're not using BuddyPress you can add the following f ...

How can I edit and/or register new image sizes? This theme uses WordPress's native image resize function add_image_size(). You can edit the theme's predefined image sizes by adding the following code to your child theme's functions.php file. You can change the image width ...

I get a Page Not Found error when I click on links? Sometimes your server rewrite rules need flushing. To do this go to Settings -> Permalinks and save the page. In some cases you may need to change the permalink structure. To do this in the Custom Structure field add the f ...

Updating WPBakery Page Builder with the theme If a WPBakery Page Builder update is available you will see a notice in your dashboard. Unless you purchased the plugin separately you cannot update the plugin automatically. You will need to wait for a theme update to be rel ...

Enabling the "BuddyPress Legacy" Template Pack This theme requires that you enable the BuddyPress Legacy template pack. To do this go to Settings > BuddyPress > Options and from the Template Pack dropdown menu select "BuddyPress Legacy" and click Save Settings.

Editing the BuddyPress profile tabs Please see:https://rtmedia.io/docs/developers/add-remove-buddypress-tabs/

Pagination is not working on my posts If you've added an element on a post to display some items and click the page numbers or load more button the same items may be loaded. This is because some servers do not accept the standard pagination URL structures on po ...

After updating BuddyPress my website won't load or I get a fatal error? If after updating to BuddyPress 12.1.1 your website won't load or you're getting a fatal error similar to this: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function bp_core_get_user_domain() It is likely a confli ...

How do I disable Google Fonts? In your child theme's functions.php file add the following: function ghostpool_disable_google_fonts_link() { return true; } add_filter( 'ghostpool_disable_google_fonts_link', 'ghostpool_disable_google_fonts_link' );

Using Hub Fields With Foreign Characters If you're using a character set other than latin hub fields will not work by default. If you're using Cyrillic characters then you can use the following plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/cyr3lat/, otherwise read below: Go ...

How do I add/edit the favicon? This is a core WordPress option and not part of the theme. Go to Appearance > Customize > Site Identity > Site Icon to change the favicon.

How to install the default Twenty-Twenty * themes? You may want to install the default WordPress theme in order to see if an issue still occurs when switching themes. To install the default WordPress theme do the following:Go to the "Appearance" section on the left-hand side ...

Finding the cause of your issue(s) To find the cause of the issue(s) please do the following: 1. Update The Theme/PluginsEnsure you using the latest version of the theme and required plugins. We will not look at any issues if you haven’t updated these. To ...

I can see shortcodes in my excerpts - how do I use custom excerpts? Excerpts do not support shortcodes or HTML, they just display unformatted text. By default excerpts will strip all the HTML tags but you'll see raw shortcodes so you'll need to use custom excerpts to remove these. To do th ...

How to add custom fields There are two ways to add custom fields depending on if you're using the Gutenberg Editor or Classic Editor. If the fields are hidden use the Show Hidden Post Meta plugin to show hidden fields. Gutenberg Editor Edit or cr ...

Adding comments to hub pages Copy huber/lib/sections/hub/hub-tab-page.php to your Huber child theme - retaining the directory structure - and add the following tag where the comments to appear.

My BuddyPress widgets have disappeared? BuddyPress widgets have been removed from version BuddyPress version 12.0.0 and later. You can restore these widgets by using the BP Classic plugin. Please note, the widgets will not automatically reappear. You will need to ...

"The link you followed has expired. Please try again." error You are seeing this error because the theme is too big to be uploaded to your site. This is because your web host has set one of the following too low: - PHP Memory Limit (should be 256MB or higher) - Post Maximum Size (sh ...

Limit the number of cores using MAGICK_THREAD_LIMIT In certain versions of ImageMagick there is a problem when trying to import the demo images and the system becomes extremely slow. This causes the demo importer to never complete. You can use a workaround to fix this as follo ...