
BP Profile Search error: Form ID # is empty or nonexistent.

If you receive the following error message where your profile search form should be after importing on the demos please do the following:

  1. Go to Users > Profile Search and from the shortcode column copy the form ID e.g. [bps_form id=12345] would mean the form ID 12345

If the form is on your homepage:

  1. Edit the page and via the Backend editor (WPB editor).
  2. Click on the BP Profile Search element Pencil icon to open the edit window and replace the existing form ID with the one you just copied.

If the form is in a sidebar widget:

  1. Go to Appearance > Widgets and locate the BP Profile Search widget. 
  2. Select the form from the Form dropdown menu and click Update
  3. If it's already selected and you can't click Update, just edit the title of the widget and click Update.