There will be no theme support from 23rd December to January 1st. Support will resume January 2nd.


CDN images are not working on my site?

The theme uses the Aqua Resizer script to resize/crop images to the selected size, this script only accepts images hosted on the same server as the site so CDN images will not work.

In order to support CDN images you will need to disable the cropping functionality. This is not an elegant solution as this will mean the full size images are loaded in all cases but at least your images will be working. To do this copy the following function to your child theme's functions.php file:

Replace "" with your CDN uploads directory.

class Aq_Exception extends Exception {}
class Aq_Resize
     * The singleton instance
    static private $instance = null;
     * Should an Aq_Exception be thrown on error?
     * If false (default), then the error will just be logged.
    public $throwOnError = false;
     * No initialization allowed
    private function __construct() {}
     * No cloning allowed
    private function __clone() {}
     * For your custom default usage you may want to initialize an Aq_Resize object by yourself and then have own defaults
    static public function getInstance() {
        if(self::$instance == null) {
            self::$instance = new self;
        return self::$instance;
     * Run, forest.
    public function process( $url, $width = null, $height = null, $crop = null, $single = true, $upscale = false ) {
        try {
            // Validate inputs.
            if (!$url)
                throw new Aq_Exception('$url parameter is required');
            if (!$width && !$height)
                throw new Aq_Exception('$width and $height parameter are required'); // MODIFIED
            // Caipt'n, ready to hook.
            if ( true === $upscale ) add_filter( 'image_resize_dimensions', array($this, 'aq_upscale'), 10, 6 );
            // Define upload path & dir.
            $upload_info = wp_upload_dir();
            $upload_dir = $upload_info['basedir'];
            $upload_url = '';
            $http_prefix = "http://";
            $https_prefix = "https://";
            $relative_prefix = "//"; // The protocol-relative URL
            /* if the $url scheme differs from $upload_url scheme, make them match 
               if the schemes differe, images don't show up. */
            if(!strncmp($url,$https_prefix,strlen($https_prefix))){ //if url begins with https:// make $upload_url begin with https:// as well
                $upload_url = str_replace($http_prefix,$https_prefix,$upload_url);
            elseif(!strncmp($url,$http_prefix,strlen($http_prefix))){ //if url begins with http:// make $upload_url begin with http:// as well
                $upload_url = str_replace($https_prefix,$http_prefix,$upload_url);      
            elseif(!strncmp($url,$relative_prefix,strlen($relative_prefix))){ //if url begins with // make $upload_url begin with // as well
                $upload_url = str_replace(array( 0 => "$http_prefix", 1 => "$https_prefix"),$relative_prefix,$upload_url);
            // Check if $img_url is local.
            if ( false === strpos( $url, $upload_url ) )
                throw new Aq_Exception('Image must be local: ' . $url);
            // Define path of image.
            $rel_path = str_replace( $upload_url, '', $url );
            $img_path = $upload_dir . $rel_path;
            // Check if img path exists, and is an image indeed.
            if ( ! file_exists( $img_path ) or ! getimagesize( $img_path ) )
                throw new Aq_Exception('Image file does not exist (or is not an image): ' . $img_path);
            // Get image info.
            $info = pathinfo( $img_path );
            $ext = $info['extension'];
            list( $orig_w, $orig_h ) = getimagesize( $img_path );
            // Get image size after cropping.
            $dims = image_resize_dimensions( $orig_w, $orig_h, $width, $height, $crop );
            $dst_w = $dims[4];
            $dst_h = $dims[5];
            // Return the original image only if it exactly fits the needed measures.
            if ( ! $dims && ( ( ( null === $height && $orig_w == $width ) xor ( null === $width && $orig_h == $height ) ) xor ( $height == $orig_h && $width == $orig_w ) ) ) {
                $img_url = $url;
                $dst_w = $orig_w;
                $dst_h = $orig_h;
            } else {
                // Use this to check if cropped image already exists, so we can return that instead.
                $suffix = "{$dst_w}x{$dst_h}";
                $dst_rel_path = str_replace( '.' . $ext, '', $rel_path );
                $destfilename = "{$upload_dir}{$dst_rel_path}-{$suffix}.{$ext}";
                if ( ! $dims || ( true == $crop && false == $upscale && ( $dst_w < $width || $dst_h < $height ) ) ) {
                    // Can't resize, so return false saying that the action to do could not be processed as planned.
                    //throw new Aq_Exception('Unable to resize image because image_resize_dimensions() failed');
                    $img_url = $url; // MODIFIED
                // Else check if cache exists.
                elseif ( file_exists( $destfilename ) && getimagesize( $destfilename ) ) {
                    $img_url = "{$upload_url}{$dst_rel_path}.{$ext}";
                // Else, we resize the image and return the new resized image url.
                else {
                    $editor = wp_get_image_editor( $img_path );
                    if ( is_wp_error( $editor ) || is_wp_error( $editor->resize( $width, $height, $crop ) ) ) {
                        throw new Aq_Exception('Unable to get WP_Image_Editor: ' . 
                                               $editor->get_error_message() . ' (is GD or ImageMagick installed?)');
                    $resized_file = $editor->save();
                    if ( ! is_wp_error( $resized_file ) ) {
                        $resized_rel_path = str_replace( $upload_dir, '', $resized_file['path'] );
                        $img_url = $upload_url . $resized_rel_path;
                    } else {
                        throw new Aq_Exception('Unable to save resized image file: ' . $editor->get_error_message());
            // Okay, leave the ship.
            if ( true === $upscale ) remove_filter( 'image_resize_dimensions', array( $this, 'aq_upscale' ) );
            // Return the output.
            if ( $single ) {
                // str return.
                $image = $url;
            } else {
                // array return.
                $image = array (
                    0 => $url,
                    1 => $dst_w,
                    2 => $dst_h
            return $image;
        catch (Aq_Exception $ex) {
            error_log('Aq_Resize.process() error: ' . $ex->getMessage());
            if ($this->throwOnError) {
                // Bubble up exception.
                throw $ex;
            else {
                // Return false, so that this patch is backwards-compatible.
                return false;
     * Callback to overwrite WP computing of thumbnail measures
    function aq_upscale( $default, $orig_w, $orig_h, $dest_w, $dest_h, $crop ) {
        if ( ! $crop ) return null; // Let the wordpress default function handle this.
        // Here is the point we allow to use larger image size than the original one.
        $aspect_ratio = $orig_w / $orig_h;
        $new_w = $dest_w;
        $new_h = $dest_h;
        if ( ! $new_w ) {
            $new_w = intval( $new_h * $aspect_ratio );
        if ( ! $new_h ) {
            $new_h = intval( $new_w / $aspect_ratio );
        $size_ratio = max( $new_w / $orig_w, $new_h / $orig_h );
        $crop_w = round( $new_w / $size_ratio );
        $crop_h = round( $new_h / $size_ratio );
        $s_x = floor( ( $orig_w - $crop_w ) / 2 );
        $s_y = floor( ( $orig_h - $crop_h ) / 2 );
        return array( 0, 0, (int) $s_x, (int) $s_y, (int) $new_w, (int) $new_h, (int) $crop_w, (int) $crop_h );